Originally Posted by gwstang
"I would think that he has to have a cardiologist if he's been prescribed a statin, so I sure hope that he talks to him about it."
"I am all for doctoring myself, but maybe there's times to listen to the doctor. This is just my experience, and I know that there are some great heart doctors on here that will give you better advice."

I didn't have a cardiologist until the last year. No heart problems. No family history of this. I went to get the yearly $99. testing that Baptist hospital ( in Montgomery) has once per year. It was thorough and they said I had lots of blockage. Well, the VA sent me to their testing, which was very extensive, and included the radioactive xray and a lot more. They said "No problemo"! I don't now what to believe at this point...lol I'm taking 40 mg of the statin right now. Is that a lot?

Your situation is way different than mine. I don't blame you for not wanting to take them with no history of heart disease. Prayers for wisdom in making a good decision!

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.