Originally Posted by gwstang
Originally Posted by CAL
You’d be amazed at what can be accomplished by addressing the overweight portion. Reduce carbs and add exercise as permitted and tolerated.

As I started to get crippled up by arthritis/injuries/two neck and two back surgeries/getting to be an old fart, these things combined to get fat. Ugh. I've been cutting back but I have a horrible sweet tooth. I stay real busy around the farm but it is not enough. The dang knee replacement has really been a bad thing. I can hardly walk after a day around here and it's been six months!!! If I don't feel good, I eat...and I don't feel well a lot of the time. Just can't escape it. One of these days Heaven is going to come calling and I look forward to the new body there.

The only way you will be able to change that is to alter your diet and get on some sort of exercise regimen. I joined a gym and hired a trainer. I see him 1 time a week for 30 minutes. They create a weight lifting plan around my torn disk in my back. I haven't been as focused on nutrition, but have started doing that too. I have been doing this for almost a year. I spend, right now, 3 hours a week in the gym. I have changed up my night time diet to a meat and rice. I air fry the meat, and just cook white rice in a rice cooker. Salt and pepper it and its fine. I am looking for a bigger air fryer, I got a really small one because I wasn't sure I would like it or use it, but its really a good way to go.

I see people who come in the gym who are over weight, and I don't see many of them, if any, really put forth an effort to lose weight. They come in and lift, which helps some, but then only do 5 or 10 minutes of cardio, and its not strenuous. The more cardio you do, the more weight you can lose. Assuming you cut calories too. There are all sorts of low impact cardio machines and bikes. I do the stairmaster for 30 minutes, twice a week. By the time I am done, I am dripping wet. My heart rate has come down a little as far as maxed, but still gets up around 154 bpm. My resting is down in the low 70's last time I checked. I burn about 600 calories per session on the stair master.