Originally Posted by BhamFred
I don't believe that the Feds will push it if Abbot and Texas stands their ground. They don't have the backbone or balls to push it to a shooting.

Let's hope so, but it won't be the first time in history that a mentally unstable ruler overplayed his hand would it? Mad King George comes to mind. Someone said will people get off their couches and do anything, right now, maybe not. But if one drop of a Texas DPS officer's blood hits the ground, I'd say all bets are off. Federalize the guard or whatever, DPS is a force in itself and they aren't backing down. It's not like we are talking about an Ashley Babbit, we are talking about the feds hurting a state law enforcement officer. I think that is the biggest danger to an escalation getting out of control.

Either way, the feds are in a big corner. This opens the door to the states to stand up on other unconstitutional situations.Taxes, education, gun laws, etc.... The feds have to see that side of it too. This week it's the border, next week it could be a state that refuses to allow the ATF to do their work. Certainly, they see this as a slippery slope. Abbott's letter was basically a declaration of independence and rebuke of federalism.

Whatever happens, I think whatever we have grown accustomed to as normal is out the window.

Last edited by ShootemupTex; 01/26/24 10:18 AM.