This may have been referenced earlier in this post.

The leftists sit upon a throne of lies and falsehoods. We are constantly pissed on from above. West coast leftists can ignore the drug and immigration laws and even setup autonomous regions all the while blaming the previous administration with separating families into cages built by and filled their Chicago saviors the Obamas. The absolute unmitigated Gaul of the powers on D.C. screaming “injustice” and threatening the state of Texas because they are enforcing the very laws set forth and ignored by the federal government itself gives me an ulcer.

The emperor has no clothes
The emperor has no clothes
The emperor has no clothes!

"Arguing on the internet is like playing chess with a pigeon. You may be good at chess, but the pigeon is just going to knock all the pieces down, take a crap on the table, and strut around like its victorious."--Anonymous