Not necessarily.

Being a sportsman means that for one thing, you honor the word of MLK.

If you think the law is morally wrong, it's okay to say eff it as long you you can honestly live by that and be willing to accept whatever God decides to dish out to you when you've left the earth and/or before you get there...

But on good authority I believe that a wild turkey in alabama needs to be hunted for 30 consecutive days starting from the time he starts tearing up the woods more days that not...and then stop after a few of em within that 30 day window.

Like 3 per year. And if you'd rather kill 12 a year on your big ass piece of leased property then get you a couple friends or friends with kids or grandkids. 90% of yall will not kill over three this year. But that doesn't mean a lot of yall WON'T be done in 3 weeks...

And if some of you snowflakes believe that being a good person and/or sportsman means you 100% without exception follow every single law promulgated, regardless of its practicality or something else you deem stupid, then you won't get it...

Bring on March 1st (my opener). But it's okay. I'm done before most of yall start. flag gun beers[i][/i]