Originally Posted by Frankie
Originally Posted by FurFlyin
I know a famer, very well, that lobbies on a state level for a more liberal doe harvest. I have also asked said farmer if I could come kill does on his property during hunting season. No bucks, for any reason. Just a few does. As many or as few as he wanted removed. The answer wasn't no, but I got no answer, which means no.

IMO a farmer shouldn't be allowed to use a depredation permit, if he won't allow people to harvest does during the season, when the meat can be utilized.

Have you ask why he never answers you .I know farmers that said yes till it was more trouble than it was worth . Some people ruin things for ever body

I imagine it could be rough on the farmer's road systems

Last edited by CNC; 02/04/24 04:57 PM.

We dont rent pigs