Originally Posted by brushwhacker
Originally Posted by cartervj
Originally Posted by Skinny
How about this idea. She is just a pop star that has been managed by really rich people who use her to get even more rich and she also got extremely rich by following their directions. That may be the only plan she knows and why should she change it? It seems to be working just fine for her and her people.

Yup a billionaire with several private jets, mansions and living the high life with staff that tends to her needs. She’s really not worried about this place. We’re not her resources but I bet many of our kids, nieces and nephews are.

Denying something doesn’t make it go away.

We need to understand and combat it

A she will stand before god like everyone of us an answer for her sins . She will be judged by her works just like the drunk laying on the street corner . Money, and popularity will have no bearing . Only god really know what we think bout right before we go to sleep.

Woah mule! She will not be judged by her works, she like all of us will be judged by whether we have accepted Jesus as our Saviour. Her charity is great but that will not get her in heaven anymore than a murderer that has accepted Christ will be kept out. I think you realize tis and just misspoke a bit.

Last edited by jawbone; 02/16/24 07:37 PM.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.