Originally Posted by mathews prostaff
no I don't have a private interpretation.i let the text speak for itself. it's very simple there are only 2 religions in the world.the religion of Cain and the religion of able. Cain offered God the fruit of his labor and God rejected it. we are not good enough to work our way to God. our righteousness is like filthy rags. Cain tried to WORK his way to God. able TRUSTED the sacrifice. all false religion such as catholicism Islam mormanism Hinduism are all works based. true religion or the religion of able trust in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. billy graham constantly taught u Had to repent OF YOUR SINS in order to be saved that phrase OF YOUR SINS is no where in the scripture. if you have to quit sinning in order to be saved then that is a WORK you must do which nullifies the finished work of Christ. true believers are not trusting in them selves but put their faith in Christ.eph 2 8:9 for by grace are ye saved thru faith and this not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of WORKS lest any one should boast.

I think you have jumped to a conclusion that is likely based on a bad interpretation. Repent, as I've been taught by Bible scholars does not mean to stop sinning, which we are incapable of. It means to have a change of mind and to agree with God.

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