Originally Posted by Lockjaw
The problem with winter in Alabama is the humidity. It's just hard to get warm once you get cold. The humidity is the same issue in the summer, its hard to get cool when your sweat doesn't evaporate.

That's exactly what I try to explain to people I talk to through work that live further north or out in the Rocky Mtn region......the humidity makes whatever temp you've got more extreme. So just like you can be in the Las Vegas, or Tentynine Palms, CA in the summer when it's 115, it's not particularly uncomfortable because it's dry. Likewise, I'd take temps in the teens with low humidity over temps in the upper 30's and high humidity any day. There's just no comparison. Humidity makes cold weather cut to the bone.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft