Originally Posted by mathews prostaff
bpi.do u still sin and if so how much? do you TRUST in your ability to not sin or not sin so much in order to prove you are saved ? OR do u TRUST the finished work of CHRIST. Calvanism is a dangerous augustinian catholic doctrine as well. the god of calvanism is evil and not the God of the universe.

Of course I still sin. But all my sin has been forgiven according to scripture. I need only to confess it to God and turn away from it when I do. I also trust that the finished work of the cross is all that saves anyone.

Do you believe someone can agree that Jesus existed like Abraham Lincoln or Nepoloen and continue to live with zero change and that person is born again ? See how that works ? I stretched your words 15 miles didn't I ?

Please read my posts again. I do not believe in sinless perfection doctrine. I do not believe in a works based doctrine. With the hairs you are splitting, faith itself and belief itself would be a work ( a doctrine which the Calvinist you are claiming worship a false God believe) If anyone here is being legalistic it is you. And while I do disagree with some of Calvin's doctrine I still listen to Calvinist pastors and have Calvinist friends. They don't worship a false God but only have some doctrine I disagree with.

I don't know if you realize it, but of one side if your mouth your saying "nothing but grace" in regards to doctrine (which is not wong if coupled with actual faith and a repentant heart ). But out of the other side of your mouth you are showing no grace whatsoever and are saying if anyone disagrees with your doctrine then they are heretics. Billy Graham, Calvinists, Catholics, Me.That's throwing the baby out with the bathwater and it doesn't sound very graceful.

I'm bowing out, peace.

Last edited by BPI; 02/21/24 06:51 AM.