Originally Posted by kyles
Originally Posted by BPI
Originally Posted by Backwoods cowboy
Originally Posted by BPI
Recognizing one's sin and being willing to turn from it and toward faith in Christ is all it takes to be saved. Its basically surrendering. That's not a long list at all. What comes after after conversion is a different story.

The only point I'm making is that the Bible does say repentance is necessary for conversion. Many times.

Also that Billy Graham was not a false teacher.

Read acts 16:30-31
Roman's 10:9
Mark 16:16
And you will see what the bible says it takes to be saved, don't take my word for it. You have to ADD the word repentance to any of these scriptures. I don't like posting on biblical things ,but I feel strongly about taking the bible for what it's says, not what we've always heard.

I'm not interested in getting into a swordfight. You can scroll back and read at least this many scriptures where iscripture plainly says to repent in regards to salvation. This isn't legalism. "Believing" In and of itself never saved anyone either. The demons believe enough to tremble, which is more belief than most people have, and we know they arent children of God. Placing your faith in Christ, in surrender -aka - repentance is what justifies us. There are many examples of those who did this in the NT. Some are already listed. Also, there are many examples of those who claimed belief, but held on to their old life or something they refused to let go of, such as the rich young ruler.

Repentance is not a sinless perfection doctrine or a works doctrine. It is biblical doctrine in regards to salvation. For instance, I don't remember ever "not" believing in Christ as I was in church from an early age. But I lived life my way and by my rules until I realized I was a sinner in my late 20's.. I already believed but never received. I had a mental faith not a heart change. When God revealed to me my sin and I saw what a dirt bag I was, it was then I asked for forgiveness and turned away from my sin, to Christ in faith. That's repentance. But somehow this is legalism ? I respectfully disagree.

Anyhow, its been a good discussion.

You are wasting your time when they skipped my question and brought up another scripture I realized what I was up against. I prayed last night that the Lord would forgive me for repenting and being convicted of my sin and so don’t think I am confused lol

I said I wasn't going to respond any more but, the answer to your question number one is in the scripture you gave. Peter said" repent AND be baptized and you will receive the holy spirit. " this is exactly what it says.....what you have to do to receive the holy spirit. If you read the scripture I gave you, it says what you have to do to be saved. God didn't make a mistake when he gave us these scriptures, nor did he do it to confuse us. You have to repent , and do good works, AFTER you are saved. Repent means to turn from your old life and follow a new one. You can do this without believing in Jesus Christ. I can say I'm a terrible person, but if I want to keep my wife I'm going to change and start doing right to keep her. See there I just repented but I'm not saved. If I first believe in Jesus, that he was here, he died for my sins, and HE WAS RAISED FROM THE DEAD BY GOD. Then I'm going to follow him. The first step in following him is to study his word. Not go to church and listen to someone tell me, really try to find out for myself, because I believe he is real. Then I will start doing the things he teaches me and tells me I should be doing. Like trying to stop sinning, and being baptized, and doing good works. They are all equal in his eyes. Just like ALL sin is equal in his eyes. Only you and him really know how hard you are working on this and he WILL reward you accordingly when you meet him. I really hope you were asking seriously and not trying to be argumentative, and I hope this helps bring you closer to him. Again this is NOT my interpretation it IS what the scripture says......read it for yourself.