Question: Should we lower the number of buck tags? Is this (3?) to manage buck numbers? What if we lowered it to 2? I know some people would keep shooting as they do now....but maybe they could shoot does if needed.

Most hunters on here talk about wanting to see better quality bucks or maybe kill that lifetime best, but if we are shooting bucks just because we have tags then we could be taking out future studs in our areas.
When I sit on fields in some pretty good parcels of land and see 6:1, or worse antlerless deer to bucks it appears we might consider lowering the buck tags for at least several years and see if it improves the quantity and possibly the age structure of the bucks we are taking.

Does would have to be managed by individual regions and parties hunting specific areas. I say this because I'm seeing the size of momma does getting smaller the last two years significantly. On properties I'm able to hunt we should be shooting double digit does every year and were not.
I only shot one doe and could've used a couple more. Zero bucks for the last 3 years for me.