Originally Posted by globe
This is right up there with a pro gun group arguing what’s the best way for the Government to limit their gun rights.
Y’all don’t realize how big of a step the three buck limit was to start with AND outlawing deer dogs. Enforcement is what’s lacking, not the laws.
If anything is needed it’s baby steps, maybe make two of the bucks have at least 4 on one side not one. That protects another few bucks every year.
Go ahead and put a generous limit on does (5). It really won’t have any impact but I suppose psychology it’ll help someone’s feeling and could make a small impact I suppose. Going any lower on buck limits ( 1 or 2 ) is an overreach. Go up on antler restrictions FIRST ( if anything).

Agree...if the rule pushers out there are just dying to make more rules, raise the standards...that would make more sense....better equipment should=better quality bucks anyway.