Originally Posted by beeline08
Originally Posted by Frankie
Originally Posted by wk2hnt
This is heartbreaking for the family. Hopefully the dog is dead. Link says it’s a neighbor’s dog and the family’s are friends. I’ll bet they aren’t now. Who needs that type dog anyway? I’m a dog lover but any dog can turn on a child including my lovable sweet acting field trail Labrador retrievers who lick and watch over my granddaughter. They are animals and you just can’t be to careful, but certain breeds are more prone to aggressive behavior

I'd bet that nearly ever problem dog was known to be a problem dog before hand . I know it not always the case. If I was getting stuck with a pencil or some thing I'd bite too.

I don’t care the breed. A 4 year old should be able to poke at a dog all day without this. Or so much as a growl. Period. I don’t care what a kid does if they receive an aggressive response he gotta go. Some dogs just don’t do well around kids. I have no idea this situation. If someone knew it could get aggressive at all towards a kid it is their fault. Not the dogs fault. Some are just old grouches that have no place with kids. But with an older master they can be perfect angels. But in no way is it the kids fault. Poke or no poke.

in no way i meant it was ok for a dog to bite . but it aint ok to allow a kid to poke a dog either to where it hurts . a reaction bite aint the same as as bite from a known aggressive dog

Last edited by Frankie; 02/28/24 04:28 AM.