Originally Posted by TDog93

Nightwatchman I never thought there would be so much negative or hating in hunting. I am going to adapt to rules and land i hunting and kill good deer. I had fun and killed without fields and i had fun and killed deer with fields. I am happy as heck i can still hunt and we get to hunt - if there hunting involved - i am happy. I was real happy without corn and happy with. People say - i learned this way and that way and dont need bait. Well dont use it then!! And aint nobody gone win no award cause they this great and mighty deer killer 🤣🤣 They are an animal - we supposed to be able to kill them! Now a 5 year old deer and a 4 plus year old gob can present greater challenges. But just kill the dang thang legally and quit all the bitching and if 3 too many - kill one and zip it!! 🤣🤣🤣

Not really sure on how to respond here. To be clear I am in favor of a MINIMAL amount of rules....especially on private land. If you own the property, then you own anything that lives on that property and should be able to do whatever you damn well please.

And I am not the one postulating all the negativity. You got naysayers out there that wanna go around outlawing everything and telling people how they should hunt(or how they should do anything for that matter, substitute hunting with pretty much any activity here)..My stance on hunting regs is the same as my stance on government in general- just leave people the hell alone.