Originally Posted by abolt300
Originally Posted by Frankie
CNC i dont agree what youre saying . what your saying is great for the hunter as in more trophy bucks .. but as is breeding stress and herd health i dont see where age is more important than numbers of bucks .

older bucks are stressed because ,,,, there fewer of them . if there are more bucks breeding,, the does get bred faster durning peak rut . . like i imply its a numbers game ,,,, not age . i dont understand how stress would be different between 6 , 3 1/2 year old and 6 ,, 6 1/2 year old breeding the same amount of does .

as for fighting ,,,, sure there be more fighting if you have more bucks in the same age range .

Think about it like this. Body development wise, Think middle schoolers or 9th graders having to play and compete with 5th yr college seniors and NFL players. A 3.5 yr old is like an 18 yr old kid. He’s almost grown from a skeletal standpoint but he’s still got a ton of muscle and growth to put on before he’s ready for big time.

i understand . but if there are no older bucks that wont happen . we're talking two different thing . but you right younger bucks dont fight outside their weight range but they still compete with each other just like older deer with each other .