Its hard to really accurately look at our numbers on a statewide basis because things are so different from one area to the next…..I know Game Check took the fun out of it for some of y’all…..and I was originally against it too……but it does allow for a more detailed look at what’s going on in specific areas of the state…..If you want things to be managed by zones then you kinda gotta have the data to do so.

I’ll say this about looking into the buck numbers compared to the doe numbers……That’s really only something you should compare if your population is at the level you want it to be……If there’s an area where the population is low and we want to bring it up…..then we’re going to have to bring down doe harvest for a time period……I still don’t know even at that point if there’s any solid conclusions you can draw from it though…….The number of does being taken out is mostly just dependent on how many need to be taken out or how many the hunters choose to take out……If predation was high in one area you might only take out a few does to keep the population stable while harvesting higher yield of bucks…….Also, your “standards” and hunter density are going to have a big impact on what percentage of the buck population is being taken out in any one area. Not sure you can really draw a conclusion from any statewide numbers on any particular year.....Maybe someone else has a different view of it I'm not thinking of

Last edited by CNC; 02/29/24 01:08 PM.

We dont rent pigs