Doesn’t always have to be a big property, though that certainly can help. I’m hunting a relatively small property. We have far less pressure on our property compared to surrounding neighbors and we work hard at keeping it that way. What I often see when a buck gets 3.5 is he’s either suicidal, daylighting everywhere, or he’s already in survivor mode. If he’s a walker then he’s a dead man for sure and score one for the neighbors. If he’s a little more inclined to be neurotically cautious, he’ll stick to the low pressure area and limit his travels outside of that area to night missions. I get these bucks on camera regularly but only within a confined area of safety. The walker personality buck will hit every camera I have over a square mile, and twice a day on some days. Once I can identify the homebody at 3.5, he almost always becomes more so at 4.5 (providing he survived) so I have hope, but by no means a guarantee, that letting him walk is a low risk. But again, it’s kinda like betting on racehorses. Lots can go wrong.