I think we've gone past reality..... Most going to shoot these deer because that's the biggest deer they would see.

Why? Is that not the real question at hand?

If they saw deer this size regularly maybe they wouldn't but I can't say that would be the case... why? I would say the average antlered deer killed in AL is a 4 pointer. I find it hard to believe most deer hunters can't shoot a better quality deer but they don't. Why would they wait on a deer this size? They can't eat them horns! We got a bunch out there that do this like a rabbit hunt because that is the mentality we have bred with years of liberal harvest regs.

That's Reality. You can't police people on a metric that is arbitrary like age. Points are not arbitrary. That's why it works but not perfect. I would agree points are nowhere near as good as shooting based on age. It's just not reality. I wish it was but it is with 100% certainty NOT.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.