Originally Posted by Gunner211
I’ll just stick with my “dumb” thermostat.

Originally Posted by Rainbowstew
I have a programable thermostat that is programed by my finger all day long when I get too hot or too cold, I adjust it myself.

I said the same for years. When I installed a digital thermostat, I thought I was high cotton. I never had any interest in a thermostat that I could control remotely, or program, until I bought my son’s place. I love the fact that we can keep a check on the system when he’s home from school. It’s also nice to be able to put it on an automatic setting that allows me to adjust the perimeters for the a/c as well as the heat. Once I do that, I pretty much don’t touch it anymore. If it needs the a/c, then the a/c comes on. If it needs heat, then the heat comes on. When it’s time to change the filters, it reminds me to do so. When it’s time to have the system inspected or maintained, it reminds me of that too. If my son comes home from school, and forgets to adjust the settings like most kids will do, I can do it from my phone and keep the system from running when no one is there.

If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.-Mark Twain