Originally Posted by Forrestgump1
Well, first off, your son said he had been drinking and blew a 0.0? Unless there’s is an issue with the breathalyzer machine I don’t see how that’s possible. As for the 23 hour thing, you said he got pulled over before midnight. Before midnight to 2 pm the following day is roughly 14 or 15 hours. It’s a minimum 12 hour hold in the drunk tank, which leaves a couple hours for processing and so forth. Pretty standard. Unless I’m reading something wrong. Not saying the officer is justified or not, just trying to better understand.
Well first off you did read something wrong. He did not get a phone call until 2 p.m. the next day. He was not released from jail until very late Sunday night. Could not tell you exactly the time but it was very very late and the piece of paper said he was detained for 23 hrs. in their facility. He only drank 2 beers in a 4 hr. period. Second I would be the first dad to let his son get exactly what he deserves IF he deserves, but in this case I think he got screwed. So yeah, you read wrong!