Some folks give an animal way too much credit when it comes to them thinking and reasoning. God did not create them with the same type mind and reasoning abilities we humans posess. He did create them with instincts though.

I killed a mature buck on my place this year and there were 20 other deer around him when I shot him. After the shot, I remained quite and still and those 20 deer went right back to feeding.

I sat until dark, got down, walked out, and returned to get my buck with my 4 wheeler. It was at that time that those 20 deer finally departed. The buck was laying 60 yards from them out in the open.

They were not gathered up in a bunch, having a conversation amongst themselves, saying, " Dang, I hate ol' Bradley buck just got kilt from that rifle shot we just heard".

We have had deer stand 100 yards from my shooting range and watch us while we shot rifles repeatedly. It's all about what they get used to, and about how you apply or mis-apply the pressure. It can be done wrongly or too much by either a bow or a gun hunter.

They aren't on our level... rolleyes


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