Originally Posted by Mbrock
Working 50-70 hours a week, 6 days a week most weeks. I don’t think I could get crap done in 32.

That's the DA's whole point and intention. If the work is not getting done by you in your 32 hrs, someone else has to be hired to work those remaining hours needed to actually finish what has to be done. Wallah, democrats just created another 20 million jobs (which they will claim is due to their outstanding economy) and by putting everyone on the threshold of being classified a part time employee, in which case youre not eligible for benefits, which in turn has the potential to force a huge number of people into the socialized medicine debacle, ie Obamacare. Gotta read that fine print, which 90% of Americans are no longer smart enough to read between the lines to see. Our country is in a sad sad place with old demented idiots like him and others, both republican and democrat that should be home sitting on the front porch, are still actively participating in the house and senate (I use that term lightly because what is actually happening is they are allowing their unelected minions, the ones telling them to just sign here or there or say this or that) to really call the shots and run the country straight into the dirt. We ought to have an age maximum limit of 70 yrs for everyone in Washington, with 65 being even better. Term limits for all!!!