They hammered this morning on my place. Heard 3 got set up within 100 yard of one on the roost. Flew down just out of sight with a hen. Hen stuck with me in a calling battle and he high tailed it towards a green field. Looped around him and got to the field I thought he was in and he was gobbling on his own heading away still. Circled him again to another field he was heading towards. Got there and he had turned back towards the first field I thought he was going to. Never called to him there don’t know why he turned around. So chased him back that way. Set down on him 3 times and he sounded close on the last set up definitely under 100 yds, just never saw him. Had to leave him gobbling at 9. Wish I could’ve stuck with him I probably would’ve killed him, but had to get on the road back to Florida. Really fun way to end my Bama season though. Was in the game and heard 3 different birds and over 50 gobbles.