My grandmother was hard set against it. Said the Bible preached against it. Never was able to tell me where, nor has anyone else. I did a little research, not a lot. As Christianity was spreading, they needed to push away Pagan rituals. Some they hijacked, others they just made up crap to try to get the pagans to stop the rituals. Funeral Pyres were a widespread pagan ritual. So early Christians just interpreted whatever they wanted in the bible to stop the rituals. It's been passed down word of mouth ever since. But nobody has ever been able to show me anything Christ has said that says no cremation. My grandfather, MIL, GMIL and others have been cremated. My ONLY reservation is people have a tendency to NOT dispose of the remains.

If I were cremated I want my ashes scattered under an old oak tree at a fork in a creek where I hunt. I don't want them sitting on a shelf in my families living room.

My SIL was telling everyone she had terminal cancer. Probably to get $, but definitely to get attention. I offered to pay for her cremation. So I could shucks in the ashes and dump it all in a landfill.

Last edited by Fattyfireplug; 04/10/24 02:51 PM.

Character is not developed in moments of temptation and trial. That is when it is intended to be used.