Originally Posted by CNC
...I have some hunches and it revolves around grass and rodents

We're producing grass in excess….. which is producing rodents in excess and supporting high predator loads…..The rodents are booming and busting with rain cycles…..On the dry years and rodent bust years of the cycle the poults get hit hard by the high predator loads……The reason some of these counties saw a huge boom in kills last year is likely because the record rainfall we had a few years ago produced a boom in rodents at that time. To show this in a quick hypothetical example…..If we have 100 turkey poults in amongst 100,000 rodents on a boom year, they are much more likely to survive than when we have 100 turkey poults amongst 1,000 rodents when the rodent cycle busts. Its a matter of probability...The high predator counts are going to exploit the alternative prey sources before they bust with the rodents.

Need to moderate the grass in order to moderate the base predator loads

Last edited by CNC; 04/11/24 05:58 PM.

We dont rent pigs