Originally Posted by Mbrock
Originally Posted by Semo
Originally Posted by Andalusia
May as well drop the RIP out of the title if you are going to modify the title!

Doubt anyone hopes he rests in peace.

I guess I am one. I hope he repented before death. While I believe he deserved earth's most severe punishment what takes place after is out of my domain. If one actually believes what the Lord's Prayer says then saying BIH is pretty tough. Jesus forgave those putting him to death, so as hard as that may be for us it is the right answer.

We all deserve to BIH. No one on here will stand before God any more righteous than OJ, unless God is looking at you through the blood of Christ. I hope he repented, but if not, he got what we all deserve.

As hard as it is as a human type that, that’s exactly what we as Christians should feel, say or type. I sure want him and others like him to “feel the justice”, but the revenge is all His. Man, that’s a hard way to feel and deal with situations like this.

Originally Posted by BPS
This is Aldeer! The place people come to vent their frustrations and completely change their stance a few minutes later... grin