Thigpen day 2 for us. Put in 9.5 miles of walking yesterday and didn’t find a track, scratching, or a feather. Told dad we’d try it this morning and if we don’t hear one we’ll head home. First listening spot was dead quiet other than a shot very near the property line (dunno how they got on one that early that wasn’t gobbling at all). Tried two more spots and finally heard a gobble way off, worked our way to him across about 600yds and by the time we got over there they (two) were gobbling fairly well. They were up on a big high finger ridge and we were in the bottom, I figured our best bet would be to circle the next finger over and come up to the top of it so we’d be on their level so that’s what we did. Got set up and called and they went quiet. Instead of walking the top of the draw level with us/them and coming to us these jokers came down about an 80’ tall (and very steep) hillside, crossed the draw, and back up a steep hillside to end up hammering behind us at probably 40yds. Right after the gobble came a putt and I never even got to lay eyes on them. I don’t guess I’m gonna get to kill a turkey this year…..