Originally Posted by cartervj
Originally Posted by CNC

Originally Posted by gobbler
That coopers hawk breeding map is as useless as a lot of your charts. 1% confirmed?? Virtually nothing in bullock/macon in the quail plantations? I know I could take you to breeding pairs right now on those places. They are everywhere.

Yeah it would be cool to see some very recent surveys…..I know for sure from living in Macon Co that the hawks and owls are thick…..I actually think maybe more so with owls. There's a lot of them

I don’t know where your map came from but them suckers are all over around here. 20-30 years ago they were rare. Old buddy called them blue darters and killed every one he could. Same as all the other old timers down there. No longer the case.
Got to handle a Sharpshin that had a broke wing. It was brought in as a rescue to my friends place. He’s a vet and does raptor rescue. He called a fellow but they didn’t want an amputated wing Sharpshin for educational purposes. That joker was straight up mean and in person smaller than I thought they’d be.

My buddy said all their bird predatory raptors were mean as chit and hard to handle.

We always called them blue darters as well. Old 16ga long tom took out a pile of them.