Originally Posted by taggedout
Originally Posted by bama_earl
Originally Posted by Cactus_buck
Some people are just ignorant to the subject. I’m ignorant to a lot of things. It’s not a bad thing. You just don’t know. I have 2 kids that graduated with a high school diploma that were homeschooled and they’re not weird and actually quite successful. Everyone can have an opinion and they can even voice their opinion. Doesn’t mean you have to listen to it. When my kids were in homeschool we had over 400 kids in our homeschool group.

I don’t trust the government. And I don’t trust the government to teach my kids. That’s why we are where we are today. I’m really shocked there this many people on a predominantly conservative board that don’t have the same beliefs.

To each their own. You do what you think is right for your kids and I’ll do what’s right by mine. I have 2 kids that are honest and contributing members of society and they make their parents proud. So I couldn’t care less what other people think and am happy what we did for our kids.

Most of the crap being taught in public school does them no good later in life. The education department isn’t worried about education. It’s more about indoctrination. My kids learned the necessities and we left out the other junk.

I admit I don't know anyone who was homeschooled. None of my friends growing up have decided their kids needed homeschooling. My sample size is small, and I admit that. I was hoping someone could come on and say how much they loved being homeschooled and glad they did not attend their local school.

I was home schooled 1st - 12th grade. My wife was home schooled 6th - 12th grade. As of now, we fully plan to home school all of our children through high school.

I personally had a great experience. I got to enjoy sports and received a great education. I have been very blessed with my career and gotten a lot of great opportunities. I work with a lot of people and seem to be able to work well with them on a day to day basis (my opinion, maybe no one likes me and I am oblivious to it) haha.

There is a lot about home schooling that most are not aware of. The group I grew up with has sports available (baseball, basketball, football volleyball, swimming, track and field). We also had lots of extra curricular activities, field trips just like any public school and prom, homecoming dance and such.

For fields of study, there are weekly one day classes that we can go to. Usually these involve parents who are more knowledgeable in a specific area of education such as an English major, math major or Science. They will take on the challenge of working with different grades and classes for 1 hour a piece throughout the one day in an almost tutor like setting. This for me was a great advantage because my mom was weak in math.

There are some great educational and social advantages available through home schooling if utalized. I have seen the best and the worst. The best far out way the worse. I hope this helps sir.

Well that didn’t go quite like bama_earl thought it would.

I find it interesting that those who don’t know anyone that are homeschooled are so against it unless of course they are for more government control.