Originally Posted by jawbone
Originally Posted by Lockwood
Originally Posted by jawbone
Originally Posted by Lockwood
This was payback for Israel bombing Iran's embassy in Damascus. Eye for eye, Israel shouldn't respond. Allow Iran its ineffectual face-saving show of force.

Of course, with Israel being an unhinged terrorist state and the biggest threat to global peace and harmony, you can bet on it escalating.

Did you get your I nations mixed up (easily done) or are you an ignorant antisemite?

I don't support Israel. I don't support Iran. I have no love for either one, and no reason to love either one. The only nations I reserve my love and loyalty for are America and to some extent, our other anglosphere brother nations.

Do you believe the Bible that the Jews are God's chosen people?

They were certainly chosen for a purpose, which was to bring Gods son, aka Jesus Christ into the world. That is exactly the purpose they were chosen for. Then they denied he was the son of God and crucified him as a blasphemer. And every one of the children of Israel who died denying Jesus is in Hell right now where they will beuntill they are cast into the lake of fire. They were absolutely chosen as the lineage Jesus would be born through, at which point whosoever will was chosen. I dont owe Abraham anything or any of his descendants
However, i do owe Jesus everything and thats a debt i can never repay, even if i spent every waking hour of my existence here trying to.