Jawbone, the Jews that got into heaven before Jesus got here, got there by looking ahead to Jesus the Messiah, who all the prophets said would come. They made sacrifice every year being obedient to that plan. While Jesus was here, some of the Jews believed on him and was saved. Some did not believe. Some still dont believe. Now, im not a bible scholor by any means but i know Jesus Christ is the only way any human will ever get to heaven. There is prophetic scripture concerning the end times before the Earth is destroyed that could be argued as far as the Jews having an appointment with God. Ive heard it taught with scripture backing it up both ways. But one side is likely as right as the other. Im not knocking what you believe concerning the Jews. Alot of people do believe that way. I believe the way i believe because of the studying ive done on the subject according to what the bible says. I dont think it really matters a whole lot to you and me. Thats kinda what the Lord showed me. It dont have anything to do with me personally. I know where im going.