Originally Posted by jawbone
Originally Posted by Lockwood
Originally Posted by jawbone
Originally Posted by Lockwood
This was payback for Israel bombing Iran's embassy in Damascus. Eye for eye, Israel shouldn't respond. Allow Iran its ineffectual face-saving show of force.

Of course, with Israel being an unhinged terrorist state and the biggest threat to global peace and harmony, you can bet on it escalating.

Did you get your I nations mixed up (easily done) or are you an ignorant antisemite?

I don't support Israel. I don't support Iran. I have no love for either one, and no reason to love either one. The only nations I reserve my love and loyalty for are America and to some extent, our other anglosphere brother nations.

Do you believe the Bible that the Jews are God's chosen people?

The Church is God's chosen people. God chose the ancient Israelites as the vessel through which his Word would be revealed to the world, and the vessel through which the Messiah would come. God's promises were fulfilled to the Jews with Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. The Jews of the modern era are not special, they must believe in Christ in order to receive redemption and salvation just as any other sinner.

Last edited by Lockwood; 04/17/24 07:59 PM.