Originally Posted by jawbone
For the people that don't know, Lockjaw had his girlfriend stolen from him by a police officer. Now to explain qualified immunity, if the officer acted in good faith (meaning he had reason to believe he was in the right), he has immunity, as he should have. Now if he is negligent, malicious, or should have known better, he has no immunity and can be sued as an individual. Good luck hiring any officers if you do away with qualified immunity.

Never had a girl stolen by a police officer. And they can't hire good ones now with qualified immunity, or rather they can't properly train the ones they hire.

Even so, as a member of law enforcement you should be well aware that your average run of the mill municipal court in a town is heavily biased towards the police, because they want the $. It is not the place for justice. Get in front of a judge who is elected, and your odds improve dramatically.