My daughter used Sand Mtn Toyota. She got her first "big girl" job after getting her masters degree. The salesman, Parker, was great. My daughter wanted to finance the car herself, to build some credit. I co-signed with her. The financing team dropped the ball, not once, but twice. I was ticked after the first time. The guy misquoted the interest rate and also didn't get my daughter the college graduate reduction in rate. That was actually 2 separate issues. The next problem was, the paperwork sat on someone's desk at the dealership and didn't get filed properly. Toyota financing had no paperwork on the deal, so they couldn't accept her first payment, yet her first payment was technically late because of some paperwork that wasn't filed. I told them if that showed up on a credit check that they would be talking to my attorney the next day. It was such a complete and total screw up that I asked the salesman for the owner of the dealership to call me. Mark Brickie or something to that effect. He HAS NEVER called me. I own a freaking business too. I don't make car dealership money, but I told the salesman that any time I got a good chance to run the dealership down, that I would publicly do so. So there I went. I have too much respect for my customers for me to "blow off" a request that one might make for me to call them.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14