Originally Posted by 2Dogs
Originally Posted by Mbrock
Easy. Parents for several generations have sacrificed their children to obtain comfort, pleasure and easier living. It’s a parents duty and responsibility to raise, nurture, instruct, develop, educate and prepare their kids for adult living and proper decision making. Instead, families have adopted day care, public school indoctrination, video games, cell phones, tv, and entertainers to fill that role while they chase the almighty dollar for more stuff. It’s the name of the game. Gotta work so we can live more comfortably. Society is suffering some major ills due to this mentality. It’s not impossible for both parents to have full time jobs, and raise kids, but it’s certainly challenging and something most can not do effectively. I know this will offend some folks, but if you wanna know what’s wrong that’s it. We put both parents into the work force as common practice, rather than raising families.

Preach it , Brother Brock.

100% truth Matt. My wife was also a business professional, and quickly climbing the corporate ladder, when we decided to have children after being married for 6 yrs. When we did, we also decided at that time, that she would be a stay at home mom and raise our children while I worked. Huge financial sacrifice because she too was making almost six figures back in the late 90s. Granted I've done well so while we certainly were not poor or struggling, it was still a big sacrifice to knowingly and intentionally lose her income, but we decided that some things, namely raising our children right and in a stable Christian home, and the non-monetary rewards that come from it, were worth way more than money. Twenty years later, once they all got through high school and into college, the wife has gone back to work. As a result of our family decisions, we'll both work, for probably another 7-10 years, whereas had we both been working the entire time, we'd easily be in a position to very comfortably retire and just enjoy life, right now, rather than having to wait until we are in our early 60s. Like I said above, it is about priorities and where you place them. If you're going to let someone else babysit, raise, train, educate, develop, discipline, and indoctrinate your children with, and according to their thoughts and beliefs, just so that you can drive a new truck, go on expensive vacations, have an $80k bass boat and $20k SXS, just to keep up with the FB showoffs and neighbors down the street financially, you might need to re-evaluate your priorities. Raising children with a strong Christian foundation and a strong work ethic, into hard working, highly functioning, successful adults, is one of the greatest privileges and gifts that the Lord grants us. There are exceptions to the rule and sometimes both parents have to work to put food on the table, but in general, society and the devil has and continues to push to destroy the traditional nuclear family life, as the Lord designed and intended it to be.

Last edited by abolt300; 04/23/24 11:16 AM.