Originally Posted by Pipedream
I know it’s a big task but someone needs to plot the amount of severe weather data between 4/10-5/10 per year, against the latest recruitment numbers out of the TN study. There’s going to be a 1 year lag in harvest, but recruitment should match year over year. (IE.unenventful weather 2021, great harvest 2022). It’s all about flattening’ the curve.

If you look at this critically, the only way to give “”insurance” against an unforeseen down weather year (uncontrollable), is to boost the population in every other year. …….Are we talking stock market or turkeys……. A simple reduction from 3 birds to 2 birds/ year is an 8% increase in total population. Assuming the current average of .94 total recruitment(from studies), reducing the bag limit from 3 to 2 is plus 2% as a whole rather than the projected minus 6%. Am I just blind, or is this not the quick band-aid on what’s happening? Does this not guarantee success? Even if I l/we are wrong, the population would be ahead by 33% from where we are currently.

Give me my 10 days back in March and reduce the bag limit by ONE you c@[€ suckers…….

SIDE NOTE: I do have a wildlife science degree, but not too good w/ statistics. Check me

It’s not a lack of gobblers but hens. The number of hens dying on the nest and the 10 days after is the biggest issue.

"The Heavens declare the glory of God;and the firmament sheweth his handiwork" Pslam 19:1