Y'all listen to Steve on the gamekeeper podcast about hogs. Makes me not even want to touch another one again. Dr D you ought to talk to Blankenship about hog removal if you haven't already. FW just threw millions of dollars at removing hogs on our public lands. Unfortunately I think that ship has sailed a long time ago but maybe they can knock them back some. I can't stand them nasty jokers.
I'm about tired of listening to these Dr Dumbasses theories about deer, hogs or whatever else they want pontificate about to get some notoriety and internet clicks.
Put a Bounty on the Hogs.... and they will die. We are NOT going to get rid of them doing what we are currently doing. The Feds and State have not gotten serious about getting rid of them yet.
Give people an incentive to kill them and maybe they will knock a dent. In our current state of affairs they are just continuing to spread. That's the reality of the situation.
Maybe divert some of that money from Ukraine or another black hole it's going in. There's PLENTY of money we printed near $100 Billion in March 2024 and may as well just taken it out in a California parking lot and set it on fire for a couple homeless to cook some crack over.
No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.
"Never Trust Government" -- Smart people. "The Great thing we should Fear and the Weird Thing we Trust is Elon Musk" -- Me "You can be broke but you cant be poor." -- Ruthie-May Webster
Dang...They killed over 1100 hogs and the hogs still flourished to higher population the next 2 yrs.... Well, the only way a bounty would truly work is....Instead of 50.35 dollars per hog... the state or fed or somebody ought to put a lot bigger bounty on them... You know, like them 4 and 6 hundred dollar snakes they catch in Florida..... If you was to put, say a 500 dollar bounty on a hog in Alabama, my spidey senses tell me it wouldnt take too long to get rid of them nasty jokers....Aunt Bee needs to come off that bottle, and pony up some of that liquor money and gas tax money she steals and help Alabama out for the sportsmen of this state....
Did you know that Beer Nutz are over a Dollar...and Deer Nutz are under a Buck...
Dang...They killed over 1100 hogs and the hogs still flourished to higher population the next 2 yrs.... Well, the only way a bounty would truly work is....Instead of 50.35 dollars per hog... the state or fed or somebody ought to put a lot bigger bounty on them... You know, like them 4 and 6 hundred dollar snakes they catch in Florida..... If you was to put, say a 500 dollar bounty on a hog in Alabama, my spidey senses tell me it wouldnt take too long to get rid of them nasty jokers....Aunt Bee needs to come off that bottle, and pony up some of that liquor money and gas tax money she steals and help Alabama out for the sportsmen of this state....
If you put a $500 bounty on hogs,there,'d be twice as many in a couple of years. Every tom, dick and harry would have a pen full of them
Last edited by goodman_hunter; 05/16/2402:30 PM.
"A moment of realization is worth a thousand prayers"
Bounties on nuisance animals almost always cause the Rat-tails in Thailand effect. Thailand wanted to get rid of rats, so they offered a bounty on them. Bring in a rat tail and you get some money. The locals started breeding rats.
"Never Trust Government" -- Smart people. "The Great thing we should Fear and the Weird Thing we Trust is Elon Musk" -- Me "You can be broke but you cant be poor." -- Ruthie-May Webster
Dang...They killed over 1100 hogs and the hogs still flourished to higher population the next 2 yrs.... Well, the only way a bounty would truly work is....Instead of 50.35 dollars per hog... the state or fed or somebody ought to put a lot bigger bounty on them... You know, like them 4 and 6 hundred dollar snakes they catch in Florida..... If you was to put, say a 500 dollar bounty on a hog in Alabama, my spidey senses tell me it wouldnt take too long to get rid of them nasty jokers....Aunt Bee needs to come off that bottle, and pony up some of that liquor money and gas tax money she steals and help Alabama out for the sportsmen of this state....
At $25 and then $40 later on per tail for pigs it would seem to be doomed to fail from the start......There would have to be the opportunity to make enough money for it to be worth it for someone or of course no one is going to go out and do it......
Last edited by CNC; 05/16/2402:45 PM.
We dont rent pigs
Re: Dr Ditchkoff on Hogs
[Re: MikeP]
#4132574 05/16/2402:54 PM05/16/2402:54 PM
Not that it would help really but there is too many ridiculous restrictions on hunting them on public land. Its stupid. FCS
I agree with this. There should be no restrictions on hunting a destructive nuisance animal. Shoot them, stab them, nuke them. When I hunted them in Bankhead on public property, it seemed they made it as hard as possible.
The true mark of a man is not how he conducts himself during times of prosperity, but how he conducts himself during times of adversity.
I'm about tired of listening to these Dr Dumbasses theories about deer, hogs or whatever else they want pontificate about to get some notoriety and internet clicks.
Put a Bounty on the Hogs.... and they will die. We are NOT going to get rid of them doing what we are currently doing. The Feds and State have not gotten serious about getting rid of them yet.
Give people an incentive to kill them and maybe they will knock a dent. In our current state of affairs they are just continuing to spread. That's the reality of the situation.
Maybe divert some of that money from Ukraine or another black hole it's going in. There's PLENTY of money we printed near $100 Billion in March 2024 and may as well just taken it out in a California parking lot and set it on fire for a couple homeless to cook some crack over.
Yous angry about sumpin?
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Re: Dr Ditchkoff on Hogs
[Re: Driveby]
#4132580 05/16/2402:59 PM05/16/2402:59 PM
Not that it would help really but there is too many ridiculous restrictions on hunting them on public land. Its stupid. FCS
I agree with this. There should be no restrictions on hunting a destructive nuisance animal. Shoot them, stab them, nuke them. When I hunted them in Bankhead on public property, it seemed they made it as hard as possible.
At Red Hills you used to be able to hunt them through the end of May. Not anymore. That place is ate up with them. I think that place is where the focus needs to be on hog eradication. I hear Portland is ate up with em too. So are a few other no opportunity areas.
I have almost eradicated the hogs on our 3k acres . Caught over 300. Rarely see a pig nowadays . Wish I could . I love trapping them . They smart but I’m smarter . Something to do when deer season over . Makes good sausage for all the neighbors. The government will screw up everything with restrictions. I use simple homemade traps that work an prebait
I have almost eradicated the hogs on our 3k acres . Caught over 300. Rarely see a pig nowadays . Wish I could . I love trapping them . They smart but I’m smarter . Something to do when deer season over . Makes good sausage for all the neighbors. The government will screw up everything with restrictions. I use simple homemade traps that work an prebait
I think a lot of people would be interested in how you significantly checked down the hog population on 3000 acres.
"Never Trust Government" -- Smart people. "The Great thing we should Fear and the Weird Thing we Trust is Elon Musk" -- Me "You can be broke but you cant be poor." -- Ruthie-May Webster
Honest question Dr. D. (not DA). While I appreciate the study and reasoning behind it, I'd have to say that the overall project and study results were both flawed and destined for failure, based solely on the location and restrictions associated with it. Benning is like every other military base in that it has very large "closed areas" where no public access is allowed. These large "closed areas" become magnets for big game due to the lack of hunting pressure, lack of human intrusion and a general lack of pressure period. I've done contract work on multiple ranges on several different bases. In every case, and without exception, the big game density in the closed areas was, in my estimation 7-10x what it was in the "open to the general public" or huntable areas. In most cases, once hunting pressure (generally high on most military installations) starts up, the animals actually migrate over into the closed areas and will frequent the adjoining open areas only at night. With hogs being the prolific breeders that they are, just the hogs living in the closed areas would most likely have been more than sufficient to repopulate and expand the overall herd in numbers sufficient to replace any hogs killed in the open areas. Also, the 6+ months (deer and turkey seasons) when baiting and trapping was not allowed, would, depending on timing of litter drops, provide a more than sufficient period of relief for the hogs to repopulate and more than replace any taken when baiting and trapping was allowed. Have there been any similar, additional studies done where there were no massive sanctuary areas available for the hogs to seek refuge and continue unabated and unhindered population expansion directly adjacent to the study area? Studies where a bounty was offered and hogs were allowed to be baited, trapped, hunted and harvested year-round across the entire study area? Thanks in advance for your response.
Re: Dr Ditchkoff on Hogs
[Re: Skinny]
#4132589 05/16/2403:25 PM05/16/2403:25 PM
I have almost eradicated the hogs on our 3k acres . Caught over 300. Rarely see a pig nowadays . Wish I could . I love trapping them . They smart but I’m smarter . Something to do when deer season over . Makes good sausage for all the neighbors. The government will screw up everything with restrictions. I use simple homemade traps that work an prebait
I think a lot of people would be interested in how you significantly checked down the hog population on 3000 acres.
State folks would love to hear it also. They're on here. Any input you have brushwhacker will be appreciated I'm sure.
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Re: Dr Ditchkoff on Hogs
[Re: Skinny]
#4132590 05/16/2403:29 PM05/16/2403:29 PM
I have almost eradicated the hogs on our 3k acres . Caught over 300. Rarely see a pig nowadays . Wish I could . I love trapping them . They smart but I’m smarter . Something to do when deer season over . Makes good sausage for all the neighbors. The government will screw up everything with restrictions. I use simple homemade traps that work an prebait
I think a lot of people would be interested in how you significantly checked down the hog population on 3000 acres.
By being an expert, duh.
I ain't fightin nobody that swings around in trees with a running chainsaw like Tarzan. - FurFlyin
Oh I just thought u were a dumba$$ 🤣 my apologies… - jb20