Guys - Dr However comes along with a study and that's also now FACT?

Hardly. I have a degree in Statistics. I can make a "study" or white paper say anything I want it to say. That's how this works. Ditchkoff's Bounty study is flawed at best. That should make you really consider that anything he has to say might need questioning

Now... I know y'all can't critically think, especially on your own..... but to me this is exactly like Trapping and what has happened there with the Fur Markets. Incentivize people. Coyotes are caught. No Incentive - No catches. Real simple.

Current State = Hogs are spreading like wildfire. There is no singular solution a bounty wouldn't solve the issue entirely but if something needs to be done today that's a place to start. Saying a Hog is nasty doesn't get anyone anywhere.

At some point you need to understand that formulating your own opinion, particularly if it involves common sense is a good habit.

Otherwise carry on as a windowlicker.

I have a very valuable degree in common sense. A LOT of it I learned the hard way. Best degree you'll ever come across.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.