I dipped about 37 years - lost 2 teeth over it. Quit a bunch during that time - then went back and dipped worst each time

I asked the Lord to speak to me at a revival. Thats what he pricked my heart about to quit!! He put that message on me strong - like i was the only dude in the auditorium. Quit right then!! Work got really ruff about 8 months later. Started back - Dipped hard about 4-5 days and the nastiest sore i ever seen came up in my mouth. To me - the Lord was telling me - this is your last chance big boy and if ya dont quit - i gonna take care of ya. I quit that day 6-7 years ago and never looked back out of fear!!! I done with it!!

Hunt the wind - leave it better than you found it - love your neighbor as you love your self
We need prayer for our country now more than ever