Pwyse, everyone I knew, and I knew a lot of people, flew that flag because they want to make a statement. A racist statement. Nothing good comes from that flag and it's highly offensive to a lot of people and that's exactly why they do it. They never knew their relative because they weren't alive back then. They use that as an excuse. There's absolutely nothing to be proud of from that war. It was over picking cotton for cheap labor and nothing else. They were wrong and that's exactly why they got their ass kicked. You don't see that flag hardly anymore because this new generation is ashamed of it and they know it causes problems. They have no reason to fly it.

Y'all can go ahead and crucify me. I usually play devil's advocate on here because I have more of an open mind than a lot of people on here. I don't think the Confederate statues should have been torn down. That was a part of history. We've done a lot of terrible things and shouldn't hide it. Black people were treated like animals. So were the Indians. We don't owe them anything but we were wrong back then.

If you think flying the Confederate flag is ok because your family fought in the war then why don't you see people flying Nazi flags, swastika flags? Their family fought for the Germans and you don't see them flying it. Think about that and be honest with yourself.

Last edited by Jakethesnake; 05/30/24 08:16 PM.