Originally Posted by Pwyse
Originally Posted by jwalker77
Pwyse, im pretty sure to many that flag represents a time when a bunch of folks just got tired of being run over and decided to do something about it. Thats about where we are now. Not just the south. We the people all over the country are being bullied by those who are supposed to represent us. Theyre committing crimes against us daily, and were paying them to do it. Then theres that whole taxation without representation deal. Weve been back to that for quite a while now. Our worst enemy governs us.

Well the taxation thing was the revolutionary war not the civil war. The states that succeeded had representatives in congress making the laws.

But yeah I do understand the correlation between those times for the southern states and the times we are in now. It's kinda stupid though. All the people in power over us are the people we voted in. It's kinda like raising a moron for a son and then getting mad at him because he is a moron.

Thanks for the explanation Jwalker

Just because there are represenatives for us in DC absolutely does not mean we the people are being represented. We the people are not being represented by those suits in DC. They are there for two reasons: money and power. They do not care about we the people ar our wellbeing. They do not care about this country. Our country are being run by a bunch of pathetic soap opra actors who paid through the nose for the opportunity to pillage this country and grow wealth for their families. They are our countrys worst enemy. They are destroying our country to feed their own lusts.