Think about this...

Your daughter grows up loving rainbows. So when she gets a car at 16 she wants a big rainbow sticker or rainbow flag to put on it. You gonna let her do that? Of course not, she will be labeled as a lesbian. No Bible believing father would allow their daughter to do that.

Or better yet YOU love rainbows because of what it represents to Christians. I love them. I stop and take a picture of them if I can. Or point them out to the people around me. Most people do. But I wouldn't dare fly a rainbow flag. Any kind of flag with a rainbow is a no go for probably 100% of the people on this forum. Why? Because our love for rainbows isn't greater than someone thinking I'm gay. As it is with everyone else on here.

I feel the same way about the confederate battle flag. And so far I haven't heard a reason that is greater than being labeled as a racist. If you wanna say FU to the government or whatever, surely there is a better way that doesn't involve the banner flag of the KKK.

Some of you might not mind being labeled a racist because you are a racist. And that's FINE! It is your RIGHT to believe whatever you want in America. And you get zero judgement from me, racism just isn't me. It used to be because I looked up to people in my family that were racist. But the Lord convicted me of that years ago. But if you are good with it, it's OK. That's your right and that's your freedom.

But don't hide behind another reason for flying that flag. I was called a coward on here for standing up for a belief that I knew probably wasn't going to be very popular. I really didn't think I would be called some of the names I was called but that's ok. So if you are racist and that's why you fly that flag, stand up for your beliefs like I did.