Originally Posted by Pwyse
This country is still the best country on this earth. If you don't believe me, go visit some others.

I used to love the confederate flag when I was young, but as I got older, I've wondered why anyone would be fond of it. I'm not talking about the racial stuff that comes along with it, but just the whole succession from the United States thing. Outside of the "heritage" and "my great great grandfather fought against the Yankees" what is the reasoning behind still wanting to fly that flag?

Serious question, not trying to start an argument or sound like a smart butt, I genuinely want to understand.

I went to Dixie Academy up until the 5th grade. Pretty much everyone older than me who runs things around here graduated from there. The rebel flag was on everything back when straight piped square body z71s were still out and about. I’ve never seen where it’s supposed to make people feel left out. I ended up going to lakeside after that and we took a field trip to Jamestown/Williamsburg, Va. A black man was running the tour and he taught us how many folks like him fought and died for the southern states. He loved the flag and that’s what his whole tour was about. When I started going to gw long everybody wore “Dixie outfitters” t shirts. Every color of folks. I say it was about 2003 when y’all started listening to the government and how y’all should think about such a flag? There was a push to make it bad and a lot of folks bit hook line etc