Originally Posted by James
Originally Posted by Pwyse
Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by Pwyse
Man I'm glad yall don't know I'm married to a black woman. Yall would really cut me no slack if you did. 😂

Im surprised anyone married you at all

👍🏼 so am I

Wouldn't matter to me, all my Peeps at the Bend (and ones grew up) know i have a few Confederate Flag tats, but they'd give me the shirt off their backs and i the same. Sometimes i think it hurts more white folks feelings than anyone else 😆

There's a lot of good people that don't mind the confederate flag. It doesn't bother me if someone wants to fly it or wears it. I don't think any different of them. Good people are good people. I know some good folks that are drug abusers. And I'm sure sometimes it does bother white people more than some black people.

And I'm not really married to a black woman. I was just kidding. My wife's family is from south Louisiana and she's an olive skinned beauty. But interracial marriages don't bother me at all.