Originally Posted by Semo
As others have said. Find the lines outside the slab and put in a new line bypassing the slab.

The PVC leaves the well and goes under a concrete slab all the way to the broken line. There is only an area of @6" coming from the pump that is not in concrete. The line that is broken is tied in with the line to the garden where he waters his plants. This was poured years ago and the concrete slab surrounds the well and all the pipes under it. To replace a line would require the concrete slab to be busted up to get to the lines, thus the reason I am wanting to cap the line that was broken. It came about 5" out of the concrete and had a spigot on it. It was a terribly designed project to begin with and now that the back porch has been rebuilt, the access to the broken area is hard to get to. When I get this fixed I will get someone to post pics of what works for him. He is 87 and it is all that is on his mind at the present time.

I can't stand a thief.