Originally Posted by abolt300
Originally Posted by 2Dogs
Originally Posted by Ridge Life
I watched a video where one of Trumps sons were talking about those SS agents. He had a lot of good things to say about the lady that yall are beatin on… said she’s been with them for a while… he was talking to some news lady after the RNC…

The one Eric was talking bout is the one that was on Trump with the bun hair do. He said she was solid. She was on his security detail and he knew her. Now the other two not so much . The one who couldn't holster her sidearm , this was supposed to be her first assignment in the field. She was a desk jocky.

She needs to get back to that desk and quickly, before she shoots herself or accidentally shoots innocent bystander.

Amen , Brother!

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.