Obama and Janet Yellen have destroyed the U.S. Dollar.

That's what you need to know. The markets will go up because they will print money. We had a couple of the largest bank failures in History last year and nobody batted an eye or even really made a headline..... Janet said nothing to see here.

It's scary as hell. The economic numbers are false every time they are reported and revised every single time to the negative and nobody cares.

The vast majority of the job creation is Government and Social Services jobs.... we all know that isn't good and that Government Jobs are a net drain on the economy..... Nobody cares.

The people on Wall Street couldn't care less they appear to make money no matter what. The entire Country is giving them money weekly every paycheck to orchestrate what is by definition a Ponzi scheme based on tax collections and long-term debt service.

At some point this crashes and you can't print anymore money because the dollar is worthless. That has happened multiple times throughout history. Germany and Venezuela come to mind but there have been plenty of others.

Janet Yellen/Obama believe in what is called "keynesian economics" which at best is a unproven theory. Look at the National Debt. We are in trouble.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.