Like I and many others have said many times here, over the past couple years, this correction is inevitable and long overdue. Should’ve happened 2 yrs ago. No pity here. I’ve been sitting in secure assets since 22 earning a steady, almost risk free, 7-8% just waiting for this to happen. It’s needed to happen since late 22 but the elites, the Fed and the Democrat supporting hedge funds have all been working in coordination by outright lying, and artificially manipulating all the economic indicator numbers, as well as the markets themselves. When things finally do fall, it’ll be far worse than it had to be, due to all the manipulation over the past several years. The big funds and elites have already begun moving to protection. As always, it’ll be the individual investors and their 401ks and IRAs that are the last ones to the party, that get hit the worst and take the biggest losses.

Last edited by abolt300; 08/05/24 07:12 AM.