I knew I wasn't about being coached in High School. Ahole coach walked between us as we were doing situps. He'd bounce a basketball of an occasional head. He did it to me. I took the ball and hit him in the nuts with it as hard as I could. It was a whirlwind after that. My punishment was picking up trash around the smoke pit for a few days. I smoked while I was doing it and enjoyed the break. Never saw the coach do it again. I'm thinking when the admin heard he'd been doing it to others they threatened to can his arse. I never tattled and my grandparents never knew about it.

I don't think the kid probably said anything. A parent filming witnessed it and took the initiative to action. The kid probably wishes they could hide in a hole and disappear.

Character is not developed in moments of temptation and trial. That is when it is intended to be used.